Web Development — HTML

Basics of HTML| Series: 01

Talking Web


Category : Web Development | HTML

In this web development series, you will understand the basic concept of Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML History, Type of HTML, Structure of the Webpage using HTML Tags.

HTML History

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a very evolving markup language and has evolved with various versions updating, each version has allowed its user to create web pages in the much easier and prettier way and make sites very efficient.

  1. HTML 1.0 was released in 1993 which is used to sharing information which can be readable and accessible via web browsers. But web the developers were not involved in creating websites. So the language also not growing.
  2. And Then comes HTML 2.0, published in 1995, which contains all the features of HTML 1.0 along with that few additional features and its the standard markup language for designing and creating websites until January 1997 and refined various core features of HTML.
  3. Next the HTML 3.0 where published, And the Dave Raggett who introduced a fresh paper or draft on HTML. It included improved new features of HTML, giving more powerful characteristics for webmasters in designing web pages. But these powerful features of new HTML slowed down the browser in applying further improvements.
  4. The HTML 4.01 which is widely used and was a successful version of HTML before HTML 5.0, which is released and used worldwide. HTML 5 can be said for as an extended version of HTML 4.01 which was published in the year 2012.


Hyper Text Markup Language [ HTML ], it’s standard markup language for creating Web pages and it describes the structure of a Web page and it consists of a series of elements.

  • HTML is defined by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C), an organization that regulates standards for the Internet. Each version of HTML has a set of definitions.
  • HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content and HTML elements and Tags label pieces of content such as “this is a heading”, “this is a body”, “this is a footer”, in the web page and etc…,
  • HTML is not a programming language. And the programming languages require the processing of logical statements and mathematics.
  • HTML allows the developer to make text documents look engaging and pleasant. In most cases, programming on an HTML document is done with JavaScript and like other programming languages.

Structure of HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--Everything you write should be using markups -->
<!-- All the Tags should be under <html> -->
<!-- head section is communicating about the page to the browser -->
<!-- Anything you write under head is not displayed on the browser content page. -->
<!-- body section is describing how you want to display content. -->
<!-- Anything you write under body is displayed on the browser content page.-->


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>My First HTML Page</title></head><body><p>Hi Let's we start the course...!</p></body></html>


Basic code output

HTML Basics

HTML Documents

  1. An HTML document is a file containing hypertext markup language. All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration <!DOCTYPE HTML>.
  2. HTML code is based on tags, or hidden keywords, which provide instructions for formatting the document.
  3. A tag starts with an angle bracket and the ‘less than’ sign: ‘<’. And the tag ends with an angle bracket and the ‘greater than’ sign: ‘>’. Tags tell the processing program, often the web browser, what to do with the text.


The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>, The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and <body>.

Types of HTML

  1. The new version of HTML which is entering the industry and it’s HTML 5.

HTML can be divided into three categories:




  1. These types apply to how HTML is used, not necessarily to the selection of tags.


  • The Transitional is the most common type of HTML. It has a flexible syntax, or grammar and spelling component.
  • Example:-
  1. If tags are misspelled and the browsers do not correct web developer’s errors and they display the content anyway. Browsers do not report HTML errors , they simply display what they can.


  • The Strict type of HTML is meant to return rules into HTML and make it more reliable.
  • Example:-

1. The strict type requires closing all tags for all opened tags.


  • A Frameset allows web developers to create a mosaic of HTML documents where multiple documents can be connected into a single screen.

What next?

In our next blog we going to see HTML Tags.

Next in this series : HTML Tags

Comment down your suggestions if any.

Find me on LinkedIn : Sudhakaran S

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